syllabus of silliness

Ah, on my to-do list: an updated syllabus for the Computer Technology Essentials course. I put one together this summer with the foresight that it would need to be modified. As with all things new, what we expect doesn’t always materialize, and what we get is sometimes far greater than we hoped. The current unit… Read More syllabus of silliness

Click like. Or not. ‘Our minds can be hijacked’: the tech insiders who fear a smartphone dystopia’ One conflicting, nagging thought is that as a Computer Technology Essentials teacher this year I’m doing actual harm. This current notion about how coding saving students from poverty, and the egalitarianism in technology makes us all equals. Tech companies can exploit… Read More Click like. Or not.

Mind the Map. Here is the teaching point/issue: How do we concurrently 1. teach students how stories work (or how anything works for that matter) 2. use technology to best demonstrate concepts 3. have students practice and grow their own knowledge? One idea: mind mapping. There are multiple available apps, etc. for this technique. We had Inspiration… Read More Mind the Map.

Room in your head.

  We can’t see the stars any longer because of light pollution. But as the lady says, “The night is dark and full of terrors,” so we humans master the monsters and use all the power we can to dispel the darkness. But we don’t see things as we once did, or learn from the larger… Read More Room in your head.

Language, people!

As our culture’s norms and protocols shred and tear, an issue I’ve noticed is amazing content laced with profanity. Now, most who know me know I can have a bit of a salty tongue myself. I’m sure it’s from a past life when I was a pirate. Or perhaps it’s just a stress-reliever, kind of… Read More Language, people!

Into the maw…

Look how cute! A baby leatherback turtle! Just like my i-Pod from years ago: So sweet. So innocent. But yet, they grow: But my digital life has turned into this: Yes, this is how I currently feel about my digital hoarding. See that external hard drive with my name on it? That has ten years’… Read More Into the maw…