Finding the path back…

I’ve been writing this blog for over ten years. On the edublogs site, there are over 700 published posts and almost 200 drafts. It was easy to move content to this WordPress site. What has not proven easy is my prolificity. Maybe I’m reading too much, or reading the wrong things. Maybe I’m feeling edgy because of small puffs of gaslighting and overload of information. It’s been easy to sit back while some of the rockstars in education move to the front and speak for many of us educators (think Cult of Pedagogy and Pernille Ripp). But right now, at this moment, I’m wrestling with writing clearly, without fear of recrimination or misunderstandings that lead to unnecessary conflict and not constructive dialogue. I need to write for myself: I’m just not sure what to say.

But I have been reading some amazing texts:

The Power by Naomi Alderman

Better Than Carrots or Sticks (Smith, Fisher, Frey)

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah

Oh, and the best thing. A former student recently asked me if I had a copy of Bad Feminist by Roxanne Gay: I said only on my Kindle, so I bought her her own copy.

For students, this is the current focus now, curating content: it’s just a start, and it’s my intent to support other content areas around the building. The assignment was given with free reign over the choice of topic, and my students chose mostly substantive topics. They ranged from the very serious about school shootings to

The little notes the students wrote me are genuine and reflective:


Ultimately I am asking for patience and feedback. If you do read this blog, what ideas or strengths would you like to see more of, less of, etc.?

Some posts for thought:


If You Have These 3 Things in Place, You Will Master Any Industry

How to Confer Like a Ninja





2 thoughts on “Finding the path back…

    1. Thank you for sharing that: my mental feet are still stuck in the mud: knowing we all struggle and there’s a way out helps.

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