Couldn't have said it better myself.

I enjoy these teachers’ blog about writing. One of them recently went to a conference, and I must admit, there is something about being surrounded by other teachers who share the same passions about this profession. Here’s what she had to say:

Swirling Thoughts from NCTE

Posted on Friday November 20, 2009 by Ruth

Today was a good day, but what day at NCTE isn’t?  Since we just finished our last session and have dinner plans in a few minutes, you’re getting a list of swirling thoughts.  Expect more blog posts about NCTE  in the future.

  • Choice matters.  Today I’ve been inspired to stand up and defend student choice in reading and writing.
  • Poetry parties are fun.  Stacey and I attended one this morning in honor of Lee Bennett Hopkins.  There was sparkling cider, cookies, and party favors.  A toast started the session and then a series of amazing poets paid tribute with words and poems.  I walked away with the reminder that it is OKAY to be passionate about something.  Lee’s passion was bringing poetry to children.  I was left with the question tumbling in my mind:  What am I passionate about? I’ll need to think more deeply about this, but off the cuff, I’d say:   I’m passionate about using everyday, ordinary stories from our lives to understand ourselves and the world more deeply.
  • At the end of my career, I want to look back and be able to say I stood up for things that mattered in the grand scheme of life; I spoke out against injustice; I did what I knew was best for students, even when it contradicted what “they” told me to do.
  • Stories matter.  My story. Your story. Their story. Reading stories.  Drawing stories.  Writing stories.  They all matter.
  • When all is stripped away, I find I want students knowing they matter in the world.  I want them to know their voice matters.  In order for this to happen, they must read widely, talk honestly, and write the tough stuff.  Only an individual knows the things which are important enough to read, talk about, and write.  My job is to foster the desire and provide the time for students to do this important work of living a literate life.
  • I will remember that a single person can make the world a better place.

3 thoughts on “Couldn't have said it better myself.

  1. I often feel the same way. I felt that when I taught (and sometimes still teach) social studies and I have fashioned my computer class with a social justice, recover your voice, kind of format. Their first unit is “my voice” and the second unit is “my world” and then they end with “my future.” It’s been a fun way to integrate story-telling, poetry-writing, social justice into a computer class.

  2. Those sound like amazing units: straight-forward, attainable-with-rigor units – thank you for sharing your insights–very much appreciated!

    And, I must remark on how cool it is to collaborate and hear from other teachers, whom in all likelihood I will never get to meet in person; this is when technology is a very positive forum.

  3. Hey, I added you to the nomination. I hope it’s not too late. I found a category (best blog post) and used your one about biomimicry – loved that post.

    I really hate competitive awards things like that, but I also wanted a chance to honor some of the blogs I read most. I literally had to play eeni-meanie-miny-moe between yours, Brazen’s and Betty’s.

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